Rudolf Wäger. Baukünstler 1941–2019 | Ein Pionier in Vorarlberg

Rudolf Wäger Baukünstler 1941–2019
Ein Pionier in Vorarlberg
Martina Pfeifer Steiner, Marina Hämmerle
Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH
Edited by: vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut, Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien

Copyright year: 2021
Pages: 320, 20 × 27 cm, Hardback
Language: German
190 Illustrations, 170 Coloured Illustrations
Published: 08 Jun 2021
Design: Stefan Gaßner

As a trained carpenter, Rudolf Wäger (1941-2019) was self-taught in architecture. The “Würfelhaus”, an emblematic small house built by his own hand in 1965 and reduced to the essentials in terms of material and design, became a highly acclaimed pioneering work by the “Vorarlberger Baukünstler” – the group that shaped the international reputation of Vorarlberg’s building culture: clever, measured and perfect in planning and execution. In addition to the large number of affordable detached houses, his designs for residential complexes and terraced houses for building cooperatives are still groundbreaking today in terms of spatial design and construction.

The concept for this first monograph was developed in collaboration with Rudolf Wäger. On the occasion of his 80th birthday in 2021, the book and exhibition provide comprehensive access to his oeuvre.

” … and stefan gaßner who has structured the whole thing so adequately as a book medium and—right down to the details of the small pages/image numbers, which are very helpful for text allocation etc—has pulled it off in an undramatically/formally optimised way. There’s a lot of work involved, which you no longer “notice”, but which as a background, as a web track of the appearance, gives it its radiance, its natural and coherent presence. A book that sets the standard in EVERY respect. Chapeau for that!”

Otto Kapfinger, Austrian architect and author


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