Linders Apple Orchard

Opening: 2019
Concept: Marina Hämmerle, Stefan Gaßner, Dr. Jens Rosteck
Graphic design: Stefan Gaßner
Literary texts on the apple varieties and selection of poems:
Dr. Jens Rosteck

Material: Eternit, Brass, Leather
4 x Willy Guhl Chair, 16 x Brass plates, 1 x Eternit panel on the back of a chapel

Linder’s garden has existed since the late 19th century and contains an apple tree population with very old and rare apple varieties. The orchard aims to be a quiet, contemplative place for reading and relaxing, for doing nothing and lingering peacefully, for resting and engaging with poetry, for prayer and inner contemplation. Immersion in nature, history and culture will find the appropriate space here. Entirely in keeping with the famous quatrain by Hugo von Hofmannsthal:

Thoughts are apples on a tree,
destined for no one in particular,
and yet they ultimately belong to
the one who takes them.

They have not yet forgotten
to hear the trees.

They should wait, sun and plough.
The one squatting there is waiting too,
outside the gate.
The one squatting there, squats with hope.
The sun takes a cold lunch break.

The one squatting there dreams of white sheep,
on a strange stone.

Kundeyt Șurdum


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