Jens Rosteck – Fifteen Quiet Poems

Jens Rosteck – Fifteen Quiet Poems
CD Booklet

Jens Rosteck grew up in Lower Saxony and Ibiza. He studied musicology, German and comparative literature at the Free University of Berlin, the Technical University of Berlin and in Paris until 1989. As a researcher, he specialised early on in recent French music and literary history, as well as interdisciplinary modernism. Between 1987 and 1990 he also performed as a cabaret artist in Berlin. He moved to Paris in 1990. He completed his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin in 1993 with a study of Darius Milhaud’s operas Christophe Colomb and L’Orestie d’Eschyle. Together with his duo partner Diana Bickley, Rosteck has been giving concerts in various countries since 1991 with a programme for piano four hands and a French-German repertoire. He is also the editor of several Urtext editions of the piano works of Erik Satie and has studied the theory of polytonality[6] and the complete works of Federico Mompou.

Jens Rosteck, Ph.D., is a German musicologist, literary scholar and writer of versatile interests, whose activities encompass research, music history and music theory, aesthetics and cultural history.  He works as a book author, biographer and journalist in France and in Germany, and he also performs regularly as a pianist.


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