Edited by Kunsthaus Bregenz, Eckhard Schneider
Essays by Gudrun Ankele, Rudolf Sagmeister, Eckhard Schneider, Ludwig Seyfarth, Andrea Überbacher, and Franz West
Graphic design by Bernd Altenried & Stefan Gaßner
German / English
Hardcover, dust jacket with embossment, 21x 28.5 cm, 288 pages
July 2003

This volume is a journey through the work of Franz West: four large chapters on different qualities of paper take the reader on a journey through this luxurious volume. Each chapter has a different station, beginning with West’s famous »Adaptives« and early installations, followed by more than 50 collages from the artist’s private collection, the »Sisyphos« group (2002), three new »Placebos« (2003), and installations from the years 1998-2003. Finally, the fourth and final chapter presents the artist’s most recent project: the crown. West calls his work »Corona«.

The cover is a collage of different materials and images. The endpapers are made from sheets of waste paper, making each book unique.


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